Thursday, September 8, 2016

Flowers and Their Parts

I'm studying flowers and their parts in science. Mom and I went on a nature walk to find different types of flowers.

This is a close-up of Queen Anne's Lace that I picked.We studied this flower very closely and guess how many flowers there are? You might guess ten, because there's ten big flowers. But there are actually several hundred. If you look closely in the middle of each flower, you'll see lots of tiny flowers. Each tiny flower has their own parts to make their own seeds.

In this flower the stamen and pistil were in a little hole in the center of the flower and they were not visible. I pulled off all the petals and cut the stem open. I found the pistil and stamen and seeds. The skinnier green part in the picture is the pistil and the thicker one is the stem that I cut open.

This is a moss rose. You can see the stamen. I had a hard time finding the pistil.

When I opened up this snap dragon I found an ant climbing around getting nectar.

Here I pulled the petal back on a morning glory and found the stamen and pistil

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