Friday, May 13, 2016

I found a mouse nest!

My sister, Anna, was mowing the lawn. Our grass was really long and as she was mowing she chopped off the top of a mouse nest. Wild mice have a nest that looks like a little ball of grass. They have a little hole on the side for door.

 Image source:

Inside the nest there were FIVE BABY MICE! They were super cute! They about two inches long with pink belly and a gray back. Their hadn't opened yet. They were squeeking and I could see they didn't have any teeth. My guess is they're only a day or so old.

                                            Photo by Evelyn Mielke

After bringing the nest in the house to look at it, we decided to put it back outside. We put it back where it was and covered the mice with grass. It's really cold here today (46 F with a "feels like" temperature of 37 F.) I hope the mice don't die of coldness.

I really wanted to try and raise them like hamsters, but Mom didn't think that was such a good idea. I will keep checking on them - maybe I can raise at least one like a hamster.

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